Research interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Human-Robot Interactions, Behavioral Game Theory, Social Robotics, and Social Science.

I currently work on a number of research projects where I study the role of verbal and nonverbal social cues in promoting cooperation between humans and machines under scenarios of social dilemmas, where a conflict exists between the collective and the individual interests.

Working Papers:

  • The role of facial expressions on human behavior in repeated interactions (with John Wooders).

  • Punishment and reward together, but not in isolation, eliminate the bot penalty (with K. Makovi, JF. Bonnefon, A. Sargsyan, and T. Rahwan).

List of Publications:

  • M. Oudah, K. Makovi, K. Gray, B. Balaraju, and T. Rahwan, “Perception of experience influences altruism and perception of agency influences trust in human–machine interactions.” Scientific Reports 14, 12410 (2024). [Article]

  • T. Whiting, A. Gautam, J. Tye, M. Simmons, J. Henstrom, M. Oudah, and J. W. Crandall. (2021). “Confronting Barriers to Human-Robot Cooperation: Balancing Efficiency and Risk in Machine Behavior”. iScience 24, no.1 (January). [Article]

  • J. W. Crandall, M. Oudah, Tennom, F. Ishowo-Oloko, S. Abdallah, Jean-Francois Bonnefon, M. Cebrian, A. Shariff, M. A. Goodrich, and I. Rahwan. (2018). “Cooperating with machines”. Nature Communications 9, no.1 (January): 1-12. [Article]

  • M. Oudah, T. Rahwan, T. Crandall, and J. W. Crandall. (2018). “How AI Wins Friends and Influences People”. In Proceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. [Article]

  • M. Oudah, V. Babushkin, T. Chenlinangjia, and J. W. Crandall. (2015). “Learning to Interact with a Human Partner“. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). [Article]

  • V. Babushkin, M. Oudah, T. Chenlinangjia, A. Alshaer, and J. W. Crandall. (2014). “Online Learning in Repeated Human-Robot Interactions”. In AAAI Fall Symposium Series. [Article]

  • A. Al Shehhi, M. Oudah, and Z. Aung. (2014). “Investigating Factors Behind Choosing a Cryptocurrency”. In Proceedings of IEEE international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management. [Article]

For a full list of publications, you can refer to my Google Scholar page