Research interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Human-Robot Interactions, Behavioral Game Theory, Social Robotics, and Social Science.
I currently work on a number of research projects where I study the role of verbal and nonverbal social cues in promoting cooperation between humans and machines under scenarios of social dilemmas, where a conflict exists between the collective and the individual interests.
Working Papers:
The role of facial expressions on human behavior in repeated interactions (with John Wooders).
Punishment and reward together, but not in isolation, eliminate the bot penalty (with K. Makovi, JF. Bonnefon, A. Sargsyan, and T. Rahwan).
List of Publications:
M. Oudah, K. Makovi, K. Gray, B. Balaraju, and T. Rahwan, “Perception of experience influences altruism and perception of agency influences trust in human–machine interactions.” Scientific Reports 14, 12410 (2024). [Article]
T. Whiting, A. Gautam, J. Tye, M. Simmons, J. Henstrom, M. Oudah, and J. W. Crandall. (2021). “Confronting Barriers to Human-Robot Cooperation: Balancing Efficiency and Risk in Machine Behavior”. iScience 24, no.1 (January). [Article]
J. W. Crandall, M. Oudah, Tennom, F. Ishowo-Oloko, S. Abdallah, Jean-Francois Bonnefon, M. Cebrian, A. Shariff, M. A. Goodrich, and I. Rahwan. (2018). “Cooperating with machines”. Nature Communications 9, no.1 (January): 1-12. [Article]
M. Oudah, T. Rahwan, T. Crandall, and J. W. Crandall. (2018). “How AI Wins Friends and Influences People”. In Proceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. [Article]
M. Oudah, V. Babushkin, T. Chenlinangjia, and J. W. Crandall. (2015). “Learning to Interact with a Human Partner“. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). [Article]
V. Babushkin, M. Oudah, T. Chenlinangjia, A. Alshaer, and J. W. Crandall. (2014). “Online Learning in Repeated Human-Robot Interactions”. In AAAI Fall Symposium Series. [Article]
A. Al Shehhi, M. Oudah, and Z. Aung. (2014). “Investigating Factors Behind Choosing a Cryptocurrency”. In Proceedings of IEEE international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management. [Article]
For a full list of publications, you can refer to my Google Scholar page